Sponsor ReScape
Join ReScape as we work to mitigate climate change by forwarding whole systems regenerative principles, enhance the health of people and wildlife, sequester carbon and purify water—all while creating vibrant landscapes and gardens. We offer annual sponsorship opportunities for public agencies, organizations and businesses involved in the landscape industry and beyond, home gardening community, housing and real estate, research, energy, transportation, environmental and watershed protection, waste management, air and water quality and more. ReScape’s landscaping principles are founded on the premise that diversity is critical to a healthy landscape- and community. We extend this principle to our sponsors—a diverse representation of sponsors allows us to be a healthy, functioning organization that can influence the way we manage landscapes and advocate for sound nature-positive policy throughout California and beyond.
By becoming a sponsor of ReScape, you are joining other businesses, organizations and citizen’s groups committed to working together to design, build and maintain regenerative gardens and landscapes that address the climate emergency. Sponsorship provides even greater visibility, recognition, and benefits than our general membership. We are grateful for the support and partnership of our sponsors, and will gladly customize a recognition package that meets your organization’s needs and mission.
Sponsorship provides even greater visibility, recognition and benefits than regular membership. We appreciate the support of our Sponsors, and will gladly develop a recognition package that meets your organization's needs. Click here to view Sponsorship Level Benefits.